America Energy never stops improving its products. Our premium solar modules are the result of our industry-leading technical expertise. It is no coincidence that our solar modules have set numerous world records for efficiency, which shows that our customers place trust in the quality and performance of our products. America Energy solar modules meet the highest quality standards, are extremely reliable, and achieve outstanding energy yields.
High Performance and Bifacial Perc monocrystalline module
Module power up to 665 W
Module efficiency up to 21.4 %, Up to 3.5 % lower LCOE,
Up to 5.7 % lower system cost, Comprehensive LID / LeTID mitigation
technology, up to 50% lower degradation, Compatible with mainstream trackers,
cost effective product for utility power plant and Better shading tolerance.
A photovoltaic cell is relatively simple. A semiconductor material, in which a diode has been created (polarity has been given), to which a blue anti-reflective coating is put and electrical conductors are connected to extract electricity. Let’s say the architecture of the cell is simple. Recently a more complex architecture has been integrated into the industry, the most widespread technology is PERC.
To understand what PERC technology is about, we must first know what the word PERC means: Passivated Emitter Rear Cell by its acronym in English. Or what is the same, place a reflective layer (Dielectric Layer = Dielectric sheet) to make the most of the radiation and that there are not so many losses inside the semiconductor.
It is done? As simple as that? Well, actually the technology is a little more complex, but we will explain it in the simplest way.
What Is Conventional Architecture Like?
Basically formed by 4 layers of different optical and electrical properties.
1. Anti-Reflective Coating: The dark blue film seen on the surface.
2. Emitting Layer: This is the semiconductor silicon layer located on the front surface of the cell next to the anti-reflective layer, that is, the area most exposed to radiation.
3. Base Layer: Intermediate layer of silicon that is in contact with the emitting layer and the subsequent electrical contact (usually aluminum).
4. Back Surface Field and Aluminum Metallization: A modified silicon surface that is created between the back contact aluminum and the base layer. This is the deepest area of the cell for radiation.
Now, as we all learned in school, solar radiation is an electromagnetic wave with multiple wavelengths.
Within the visible light range, only a part of the blue light or “short” wavelength reaches the earth’s surface where the cell is located and arrives with low energy, this radiation only penetrates the upper layer of the cell (emitter) generating electric current by generating conductive electrons.
Red light, which is of a longer wavelength, is not absorbed by the atmosphere and reaches the cell with greater energy, penetrating to the base layer where it will also generate current.
However, these are not the only wavelengths that reach our cell. Infrared light reaches even below the base layer, reaching the lower layer (BSF) where it can no longer be used.
What Is A PERC Photovoltaic Cell Like?
Well, if we place a passive dielectric material between the aluminum layer and the silicon base layer, that is, we change the architecture of the cell, we can achieve several effects:
Reduce losses due to electrons that do not conduct internal reflection so that some of the radiation has a chance to generate electrons again
Reduce the temperature rise due to unused radiation. Lower temperature improves performance
What Are The Advantages Of PERC Modules?
With this cell architecture, the use of infrared radiation gives the PERC cell greater “sensitivity” to long wavelengths.
Normally these wavelengths are more present when the sun hits with a certain inclination, that is, during the first and last hours of the day or during cloudy days with low radiation. With which its performance will be greater than a conventional module.
But it does not stay here. Wavelengths greater than infrared do not generate energy, but they do reach the lower aluminum layer in conventional cells, being absorbed by it and increasing the temperature of the module, thus generating a negative effect on electrical production. However, in PERC cells, these waves are reflected, sending them outside the panel and thus achieving a lower temperature.
Lastly, the passivation of the dielectric material prevents electrons from being lost by recombination, thus allowing better circulation between the base and emitter layers of silicon.
In short, PERC technology is based on a process that adds one or more additional layers to the back of the solar cell to better harness the photons that make it through the cell, thus increasing overall efficiency. Today PERC technology in Monocrystalline panels is considered the highest range in efficiency. In the current market context, manufacturers have managed to make Mono PERC panels at very competitive prices.
Manufacturers must be at the technological forefront to continue improving the photovoltaic market, Trusted High Technology.